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Nanosuspensions are promising candidates that can be used for enhancing the dissolution of poorly water soluble drugs.  Nanosuspension is emerging as a preferred approach to address challenges involved in the delivery of poorly soluble and high permeable (BCS Class-II) compounds. The development of nanoparticle formulations for BCS Class-II drugs would result in enhanced bioavailability, reduced systemic variability and more convenient dosing regimen. Nanosuspension consistof the pure poorly water soluble drug without any matrix material suspended in dispersion.  The reduction of the drug particles into the sub-micron range leads to a significant increase in the dissolution rate and therefore enhances bioavailability. The review articles includes the methods of preparation with their advantages and disadvantages, characterization and evaluation parameters and pharmaceutical applications. A nanosuspensions not only solve the problems of poor solubility and bioavailability but also alters the pharmacokinetics of drug and thus improves the drug safety and efficacy to enhance the dissolution rate.  This formulation is unproblematic, economical and applicable to all drugs which are less soluble in nature.


Bioavailability Solubility enhancement Nanotechnology Hydrophilic

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