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You definitely heard of ‘menopause’ and so far believed that it is only related to women. Menopause in women is referred as a normal process when fertility and menstruation ends. But, have you ever heard of male menopause? True that men are totally a different gender but they too have hormones! A male menopause in other words is also known as andropause and it describes changes in male hormone levels due to age. It usually occurs in men who are aged above 50 and indicating a drop in testosterone levels. As per researchers, an average of 1 per cent of testosterone decline is seen in men after turning 30. Testosterone is a hormone produced in testes and helps in triggering sex drive. It contributes for changes in adolescence, maintaining muscle mass and helps in developing physical and mental energy. Unlike women, not all men experience male menopause. Lowered hormone levels can cause some sexual complications. Symptoms include low levels of energy, depression, lack of motivation and focus, insomnia, decreased muscle and bone density, reduced libido, infertility are quite common. Few men may experience gynecomastia – increased breasts which can be often tender and swollen. Traditional herbs have been a revolutionary breakthrough in the management of male menopause and have become known world-wide as an 'instant' treatment. Modern phytochemicals have developed from traditional herbs. Phytochemicals focus their mechanism of healing action to the root cause,

i.e. the inability to control the proper function of the whole body system. Hence phytochemicals manage male menopause in the frame of sexual dysfunction as a whole entity. The present paper Reviews the Role of MRUSH capsules developed by R&D cell of Lactonova Nutripharm Pvt Ltd. Hyderabad as a Natural Impotence Treatment for male menopause .



capsules gynecomastia

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